So out of the blue last night, Pidgin (version 2.5.2) crashed on me and when I tried to relaunch it, it would only stay open for a brief moment. I hadn’t done any updates to my system since my last…
So recently I decided that I hated how my music collection was tagged. I try to break apart the genre’s but ideally most of my music falls under multiple genres. Well All Music Guide (AMG, does a pretty good…
So the other day I realized that my concert spider stopped running. To my surprise I had a lot going wrong on my local machine (which runs the spider). First and foremost, MySQL wasn’t running. Still not sure why, but…
I just came across an old CD of Fonts that I had purchased before I knew better. Well I didn’t want to throw the disc out without copying all the fonts to my system. All the fonts were broken up…
When I first started using Linux a decade or so ago I had no real preference in desktop environment. I used KDE, I used GNOME, I even ran command line only depending on the distribution. Once settling on Slackware as…
Well after a few days of not being able to run any upgrades on my installed copy of Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, last night things started moving. The upgrade process from Ubuntu 8.04 LTS to Ubuntu 8.10 took all of last…
This just started happening to my work PC (Windows XP SP3) about a week or so ago. It was very annoying, mainly because I rely heavily on the CTRL+E hotkey to access “My Computer” on the fly. Well today I…
So if you’re a Linux user that’s ever used Solaris, you know that a lot of the commands don’t translate exactly the same. One such issue is the lack of a recursive flag (-R) on the grep command. Not a…
So I ran into an interesting problem today. A site I built (validates as XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS level 2.1 and runs in Standards-mode instead of Quirks-mode in Internet Explorer 6.0) renders great in Firefox 3.0.3 (tested on both…
No error message, it just says that the sync had started. What sucks about this issue, is that I ran into it with a previous version of SQLyog Job Agent (sja) but was able to troubleshoot it faster because the…