Category: Video Games

  • How to install Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp on Android today

    I must have been under a rock, but I only heard about a new Animal Crossing game this week. Then I was sad to hear that it wasn’t out yet. Then I was excited to hear that it was actually out! Circle back to being sad when I found out…

  • Putting the “SH*T” in Joshtronic

    You may remember last December when I discussed my first impressions of the Nintendo Wii U system. Overall, I was pleased with the system with one small exception, the fact that “joshtronic” was deemed as inappropriate by the filters in place. I let it slide at the time and went…

  • Nintendo Wii U First Impressions

    tl;dr – I like the Wii U but do have some pain points. Also affiliate links, so many affiliate links. I grew up in the 1980s. I got to experience the 8-bit console wars first hand. The Wizard taught me that the Power Glove was “so bad” (and how to…

  • Yoville Needs To Die

    – layout: post title: I wish YoVille! would just die category: Personal — So my wife loves this ridiculous online / Facebook game called YoVille!. It’s basically a silly point system tacked onto a chat room. Even worse, it’s formal equivalent would be Animal Crossing, which I shelled out like…

  • Nintendo Wii Won’t Power On

    This is the second time this has happened to me in the last 6 weeks, my Nintendo Wii simply will not power on. No lights, no anything. The last time it happened, I unplugged everything, unplugged the power adapter from the wall and proceeded to pop the side doors off…