Author: Josh Sherman

  • The easiest way to engage your readers

    I blog. I have some readers. I try to be engaging. I may not always succeed in being engaging but I do try. Thing is, it’s pretty freaking easy to engage with your readers. Assuming you have comments turned on at least. If you have comments turned on, perfect, all…

  • When your ESP embarrasses you

    If you’re on my mailing list, you probably noticed that you have been receiving duplicates of my newsletter. My bad, many apologies for that. Unsure why, MailChimp, my ESP (email service provider) started double sending posts from my RSS feed this week. Fortunately, they only cost me 3 subscribers. This…

  • Using ssh-copy-id with an alternate SSH port

    If you’re anything like me, you’re somewhat paranoid security-minded. Because of this, you’ve most likely moved the SSH port on your server(s) to something other than the standard port 22. Nothing wrong with a little bit of security through obscurity on top of all of the other crap you’ve done…

  • Don’t stay in your own lane

    Don’t give me that disconcerting look. I’m not talking about while you’re driving. I’m talking about roles at a startup! In a small organization that is strapped for time and resources the last thing you want to be is as Alton Brown would say, a “unitasker”. Staying in your own…

  • reCAPTCHA is broken

    In the words of the Security Level setting for CloudFlare’s Firewall: I’m Under Attack! As it turns out, I’m not a stranger to having bots on my social network, I’ve even documented my previous experience with a DDoS attack and how to mitigate a WordPress Pingback attack! This particular…

  • How to spend a working weekend in Austin, Texas

    Austin, Texas is an exceptional city. There’s great food, live music everywhere. It’s pretty freakin’ awesome. This past weekend wasn’t one for enjoying the sights though. We had gathered in the Lone Star State to have the opportunity to be in the same room and getting some work done. All…

  • How do I sign up?

    One of the most frequent requests I receive on Holiday API is “How do I sign up for an account?” and “How do I get an API key?” It throws me off because there is a giant “get started for free” banner near the top of the page. It stands…

  • The boob post

    My wife, the esteemed blogger that she is, gave me a bit of advice recently: If you showed more titties on your blog, you would have more followers. It’s sound, and quite easily the best advice I’ve ever received concerning my blog! Hovering around a mere zero percent, the amount…

  • Fixing an Arch Linux system that is booting into emergency mode

    File this under “crap I want to document in case it happens again later”. So while in the middle of working today, my MacBook Pro running Arch Linux (recently clean installed) decided to lock up on me. Pretty sure it was Firefox Developer Edition that did it, but that’s for…

  • How to do stuff

    So I read this Lifehacker article the other day discussing Google’s top 10 “how to” searches worldwide from 2004 to 2017. I was like “Good God Lemon, I know how do that stuff!” Enough banter, here’s Josh’s guide to doing a bunch of stuff: How to tie a tie Put…