Author: Josh Sherman

  • My three favorite free mobile education apps

    From time to time I get roped into investing way too much time into mindless video games. I’ve played all the “stories”, I’ve matched all of the candies and most of the Disney characters and as of late I have been working on a repetitive stress injury by way of…

  • Get Homeschool News

    The last few months I have been urging the wife to find something new to occupy her time other than sitting front of the television. We’ve been through a few ideas but the one that seems to have stuck, and she is the most passionate about is Get Homeschool News….

  • How to stop WordPress pingback DDoS attacks

    Yesterday I had the privilege of dealing with a Wordpress pingback DDoS attack on one of my sites. My hosting company, whom I pay for access to a DDoS protection appliance, didn’t even notice anything. They deployed the appliance at my request and the spike in inbound bandwidth subsided. Unfortunately,…

  • 5 benefits of kombucha tea

    My shit stinks. Literally. I have troubles with digestion. Irritable bowel syndrome, issues with some dairy and my pee smells when I eat asparagus. Wait, scratch that last one. Seriously though, I have pretty regular issues with being regular. It’s been that way since I was a child. Once, I…

  • Determining if you are passionate about something

    If you’re like me, you get excited about your ideas. You go from “TO THE MOON!” to “meh, that was so yesterday” in less time than it takes Napalm Death to play a song. That doesn’t mean we have bad ideas; actually, it probably does. It also may mean what…

  • How to make the World’s Best Chili Dogs

    I’m actually unsure that you can handle the recipe I am about to bestow upon you. You’ll probably try to put your spin on it and end up making the world’s worst chili dogs. You may make them exactly as described and think they suck. You will have been mistaken….

  • How to organize your Kindle library

    I have set out to become a voracious reader. I read as soon as I wake up. I read before I write. I read throughout the day. I mostly read on my phone with the Kindle App. This allows me to accomplish a few things. First, I have less stuff,…

  • Find time to be creative every single day

    In my youth I was creative. I would draw for hours. I would decorate the walls with my paintings. I would write songs, sing poorly and even made noise. I thrived on creation, yet something happened along the way. My creative pursuits narrowed until the bulk of my creativity was…

  • Empower your child with an allowance

    If you’re like one of my many conservative friends you are probably saying to yourself right now that “allowances do nothing more than teach a kid about receiving handouts”. You may even be one of those awesome human beings that intends to use your child’s allowance as a way to…

  • Start your day with morning pages

    In an attempt to improve my writing capabilities, I have been trying to read and write more regularly. Since I don’t always have something to blog about and because I don’t want to stress myself out by trying to blog every day, I have been seeking alternative ways to stimulate…