Author: Josh Sherman

  • Server Migration

    After nearly a decade of hosting on a dedicated server, I’ve finally made the jump to a virtual private host. Partially to save money, partially for some personal reasons, but mostly because I wanted more ease in scalability. The host I ultimately settled with was Linode, mainly because of their…

  • Redesign to the Max

    If you haven’t noticed already, this site got a drastic face lift recently. For the first time in a while, I made sure to mock up the entire site before starting to mess with the mark up. Weapon of choice was the GIMP (as per usual) and the process was…

  • So I’m addicted to checking my email

    It’s true, and not only do I check it, but I like to address the messages as soon as they come in. Great customer service ends up meaning huge time sink and often times a loss of momentum for me. Interestingly enough, I spoke to my boss on the matter…

  • Websites are more than just buying a domain

    Most people I come in contact with (still) don’t have a grasp of how much goes into having a website. This isn’t their fault, and I definitely don’t blame them for it. Hell there’s a lot of details about things that I don’t know nor do I plan to find…

  • Going full circle on Allman Style Indenting

    I’ve been programming for quite a while now, and I’m very much the type of person that will change coding styles if another style or technique will benefit me more than my current way of doing things. That being said, I’ve web full circle on using Allman style indenting. The…

  • RMS makes me want to be a better person

    So I’ve been following the saga of Tomboy Notes (and subsequently Mono) being added to the Debian install. On the surface, it seems fairly harmless, and part of that is because I not only use Tomboy, but I enjoy it. As part of the ongoing saga, Richard M. Stallman (RMS)…

  • Oops I tried KDE again… and back to GNOME

    It had been a good 6+ months or so since my last attempt at using KDE and I had that bug up my ass yet again. I had originally installed KDE on my wife’s laptop on whim and was very impressed at first. So much so that I decided to…

  • /home is where the heart is… on the NAS

    In an attempt to unify my desktop data on my newly acquired laptop I decided to try out sharing my /home directory from my desktop as a NFS and then mounting it as /home on my laptop. Originally this idea was flawed because the laptop was not connecting to the…

  • Wireless Connection at Boot (pre-GUI)

    A while back I got my wife a new laptop from Dell, got it set up with Ubuntu 8.10 and then proceeded to fight with YoVille! for a week or so prior. Since then, I still had a few action items on my list, specifically getting wireless working on boot…

  • New Project: Function of the Day

    So I’ve bought yet another domain, but actually got a site up in a timely fashion this time. The site is called Function of the Day and it’s just that, a site that presents a single programming function every day. Right now it only supports PHP, but the plan is…