Tag: Education

  • Julian read 58 pages of a book in 2 days

    This isn’t some sort of parental humble brag about how my kid is a better reader than yours. This is a post about one of the weirder search phrases that has been leading people to my site. The search phrase in question is: Julian read 58 pages of a book…

  • How to address an envelope

    Recently while dropping by my locally owned and operated UPS store, I got to overhear a question asked by an adult that appeared to be around my age. They asked the clerk where the recipient’s address was supposed to go on the envelope they were mailing. I was kind of…

  • America: Our National Language

    Hello, it’s thatgirljen, the wife, here again with a guest post! You might not know, but I’m a homeschooling parent. That means I get to impart all sorts of vital information and knowledge upon our kiddo. Thankfully, there’s the internet, which is great for sourcing and researching all the facts….

  • How to do stuff

    So I read this Lifehacker article the other day discussing Google’s top 10 “how to” searches worldwide from 2004 to 2017. I was like “Good God Lemon, I know how do that stuff!” Enough banter, here’s Josh’s guide to doing a bunch of stuff: How to tie a tie Put…

  • Side projects are not a threat

    Say it with me, side projects are not a threat. If anything, they should be viewed as a form of continuing education. Before you say anything, I’m fully aware that there are assholes out there that choose to run their side business(es) while they are on the clock. They tend…

  • My three favorite free mobile education apps

    From time to time I get roped into investing way too much time into mindless video games. I’ve played all the “stories”, I’ve matched all of the candies and most of the Disney characters and as of late I have been working on a repetitive stress injury by way of…

  • Open Challenge: Learn Lisp with Me

    Starting on May 1st, 2015, I am setting out to learn Lisp because I feel like I’m missing out by not knowing it. I see it come up pretty regularly, it’s stood the test of time and there are a plethora of dialects. I am going to target Common Lisp…

  • Never stop learning

    As cliché as this post’s title is, I tend to forget this simple truth from time to time. This week was one of those weeks where I learned a ton of shit. Worked with some new to me libraries. Learned a new term that I’m on the verge of over…

  • Why work so hard to stay at the bottom?

    Not a day goes by that I see a headline about the need for a minimum wage increase. I read about staged sit-ins, protests and boycotts. I see people investing a ton of time and energy to remain the lowest paid workers in the country. I generally keep my political…