IT HAPPENED, IT FINALLY HAPPENED! I have been fighting the good fight against my wife for a while now. Why are we paying for Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime and the occasional Redbox movie on top of paying for cable? NO…
PHP arrays are absolutely fantastic. They hold stuff, doesn’t really matter what. The interfacing is pretty consistent and there’s a boat load of built-in array functions. What PHP lacks is the ability to set the array pointer to an arbitrary…
Wasn’t entirely sure what I was going to blog about today when a stroke of inspiration occurred after the wife was strugglging to create a new Twitter account for an upcoming adventure. I tried it from her computer and everything…
Last week we talked about setting up a local development server with PHP’s built-in web server and I mentioned that we’d delve into page routing. Routing refers to taking the URI that a person was requested, let’s say /about and…
After some recent research I realized that people I consider successful are generally quite scheduled. Not necessarily through their entire day, but at the very least they have a morning routine that occupies the first 90 minutes of their day.…
I recently updated [HolidayAPI][holidayapi] to no longer use my PHP framework because I wanted the system to be easier for new developers to get up and running. Instead of including configuration files for Apache or nginx, I decided that I…
You may remember my previous post about my switching to a standing desk. I absolutely loved it. I felt inspired with the new perspective and genuinely felt better. It took a few weeks to get used to the new setup.…
I have been running this blog since 2013 as a way to improve my PHP as well as my writing. It has been a labor of love and I made it my goal to post at least once a week.…
Last week I had talked about a layout dilemma that my buddy Justin was having. This reminded me of an issue that programming challenge he hit me with a few months prior. The challenge was to take an object tree…
Variable variables are one of my favorite things about PHP. PHP allows you to use a variable to reference another variable. This comes in exceptionally handy when you need to create variable names dynamically: $variable = ‘This is my variable’;…