Category: Personal

  • Kicking the wife out of the house

    You might have read about me on a few occasions. I’m Jen aka thatgirljen, or here I think I’m lovingly referred to as the wife or the Mrs. My over-time job is being the mom, wife and partner. But enough about me. Today I wanted to share something that has…

  • Blogging too frequently

    Can you ever really blog too much? I wondered that so after my 10th anniversary post, which occurred outside of my usual Sunday or Monday posting schedule, I decided I would up my blogging frequency to three times a week. This went on for a three weeks as part of…

  • Ten Year Blogiversary

    Ten. Freakin’. Years. Ten years ago today I “re-established my web presence” in the form of a blatant knock off of Daring Fireball’s design (which sadly, I couldn’t find on’s Wayback Machine) and an abomination of an 18 sentence paragraph. I was also a little over a month away…

  • How I GNOME or Why I Don’t Use a Tiling Window Manager

    You wouldn’t believe how often somebody says to me, “you should check out a tiling window manager, I think you’d really enjoy it”. I get it, I’m that guy. I still favor the command-line for everything, I use vim and GNU/Screen. I clickety clack on a mechanical keyboard. Hell, I…

  • Keeping up with what’s next

    Had an interesting conversation today with a buddy of mine. He was telling me about how he’s mastered gulp and right on cue, I asked “why not webpack”? No, I didn’t triage that into a lecture about how superior Arch Linux is or anything. Quite the opposite, I got to…

  • Coping with writer’s block

    It’s 5:55 PM on a Sunday afternoon and I am succumbing to the fact that today I have writer’s block. I don’t think it’s that I’m blocked up completely (although I am admittedly a bit constipated right now) but I have definitely hit the wall on the post I had…

  • I deleted my Facebook and here’s what happened

    Not a damned thing. Nothing bad at least. Unless you count typing a few times a day when I was trying to avoid the things I should be doing. Time heals all wounds though 😉 With that, I have never considered myself addicted to Facebook. In fact, I went…

  • So I guess that makes me a liar

    It was just over a year ago that I wrote this gem. I shouted to the world that I was done fucking around with how my blog looked and would solely focus on content creation moving forward. Indefinitely. 5ever. Then a little over a year later, I got a bug…

  • The Distrohopper, or There and Back Again

    In a town in East Texas there lived a distrohopper… To catch you up, I’m a Linux user from the mid-1990s that was hot for Slackware had a brief affair with Gentoo on an iBook before settling into the ease of Ubuntu. Then I took a tragic detour into the…

  • 2017 Year in Review

    The year was two thousand and seventeen and I made a formal decree that I would not engage in any new side projects that year. They were distracting and I already had a full plate with my existing projects as well as the goals I had laid out for myself….