Category: Personal

  • My 2018 Goals

    Around this time last year, I decided that I would set out on an overly ambitious adventure to be more productive and to accomplish a bunch of shit in 2017. Things turned out pretty well, but this isn’t a recap post. I can bore you with that after the new…

  • I am a freeloader

    There, I said it. I am a dirty fucking freeloader. At least according to one of my fairly long time subscribers to my mailing list. Seems that last week’s launch announcement about my project CrowdSync ruffled at least a couple of feathers. Thing is, I got a ton of positive…

  • Switching to Vim from Neovim

    Switching to Vim from Neovim

    I’ve been a Vim user for the better part of the last 20 years. I’m also not blind to the fact that there are other editors out there. I’m usually the first person to download a copy of some new editor and/or IDE and give it a whirl, always running…

  • Stop trying to sell me

    I’m all about capitalism but I’m sick and fucking tired of constantly being met with the resistance from a sales person. Case in point, we moved this month and needed to transfer our Internet service. Pretty simple situation, nothing needed to change on our plan, just the address that the…

  • The death of the headphone jack

    Apple had #courage and Google is proving they can imitate just as well as they can innovate. The headphone jack is effectively dead on cell phones as I suspect other manufacturers will start to implement this “me too” design philosophy. For me personally, I’m heavily invested in a set of…

  • The boob post

    My wife, the esteemed blogger that she is, gave me a bit of advice recently: If you showed more titties on your blog, you would have more followers. It’s sound, and quite easily the best advice I’ve ever received concerning my blog! Hovering around a mere zero percent, the amount…

  • How to do stuff

    So I read this Lifehacker article the other day discussing Google’s top 10 “how to” searches worldwide from 2004 to 2017. I was like “Good God Lemon, I know how do that stuff!” Enough banter, here’s Josh’s guide to doing a bunch of stuff: How to tie a tie Put…

  • You gotta get away for a while

    I’m fortunate to work for a company (Sumo) that takes bi-annual retreats. Going into the job, I had no fucking clue how important getting away from the wife and kid would be for me. These trips have continually been a time of personal growth and if nothing else, give me…

  • Saying goodbye

    I didn’t cry this much when my mother passed away. For my momma dog though… I was a fucking wreck. Reason being? At first, I thought maybe just maybe it had something to do with my own emotional growth over the last few years. After an emotional day and taking…

  • Missing in Me

    One of my goals this year is to write a book… …and I’m doing a superb job of fucking it up by not prioritizing my time around writing and accomplishing this goal of mine. With that, I figured I may as well put some of my words out there, maybe…